BASRaT Registration Exam - Application Form

BASRaT Registration Exam - Application Form

If you are a student enrolled in a BASRaT Accredited degree programme, you must complete the Registration Exam in order to be eligible for registration with BASRaT. Your programme lead will organise the dates and time and will instruct you once this has been approved. 

The information you provide on the form is necessary to verify your application and provide guidance on the next steps of the process. BASRaT's Data Protection Policy will be followed when processing your information. 

Ethical Behavior 

All applicants are expected to maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior, especially during the BASRaT registration examination. If any concerns arise regarding an applicant's conduct, BASRaT will investigate it in accordance with professional procedures. 

If an applicant is suspected of attempting to gain an unfair advantage or hindering another applicant's completion of the registration examination, BASRaT will investigate it. 

By signing the non-disclosure agreement at the beginning of the assessment, applicants agree not to attempt or succeed in sharing the content of the BASRaT registration examination with others. This includes soliciting BASRaT registrants or lapsed registrants to gain an advantage in completing the assessment.

If you have any questions about your membership, you can contact 

Please read through the terms and conditions before proceeding with your application:

Please read through the BASRaT Exam candidate handbook to prepare for your examination:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Address line 1 *
Address line 2
Town *
County / City *
Postcode *
Email address (do NOT use email) *
Contact Telephone number *
Institution *
Membership Number? (If Known)
Year of Graduation *
Please outline any additional learning needs that may require consideration to enable you to complete the examination. You may be required to provide evidence to support your request
I have read and agree to adhere to the BASRaT Terms and Conditions *
I consent to BASRaT processing my information *
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) - Before completing the BASRaT registration examination you agree to the non-disclosure Agreement (NDA).  This agreement outlines that the examination is confidential and is owned by BASRaT. It is only made available to you, the applicant, for the sole purpose of attempting to become certified with BASRaT in the professional field and technical areas referenced in the examination domains. You are expressly prohibited from attempting to or successfully disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting any element of this examination in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of BASRaT. *
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