Cardinal Booster Club - Internal grant application

The JPIIHS Cardinal Booster Club is accepting applications for one or more internal funding grants.  One or more of these grants will be awarded to applying JPIIHS organizations based on merit up to $9000.  Funds will be available as early as April, but no later than the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2024.  These grants will be awarded based on selection criteria that supports the Cardinal Booster Club mission at John Paul II High School.

For an understanding of the award process and selection criteria, please consult the CBC overview.

Please direct questions to Greg Sutton, CBC President

Please provide your contact information, starting with a valid email address.

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Name *
Email *
Phone - Daytime *
Phone - Evening *
Please indicate your relationship to JPIIHS
Check all that apply
If you are a parent or student and not an employee of JPIIHS, please provide the name of the person at JPIIHS who would sponsor the project.
Optional - Only required for parent or student submissions, which will require the sponsorship of a JPIIHS faculty, staff, administration or coach.
Describe your project. Please describe the type of impact this project will make on the JPIIHS community and explain why that impact would have a long-lasting effect.  Include the number of students, faculty and staff it would serve along with the type of benefit they would receive. *
Describe the need or rationale for this project. *
Describe how the funds would be used, including a proposed timeline. *
Amount requested *
What is the total budget for the project, including the amount being requested from CBC? *
What other sources of funding (if any) are you planning to use, indicating whether you've secured this funding or still need to secure it. *
Please list any additional comments or information relevant to project funding consideration. *
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