NOLAKEYS: Sign Up for FREE Music Lessons!
This form must be completed by a parent for students 12 and under.  Students 13 and older may sign up on their own provided they have parent permission and a valid email address of their own.  Parent's email address will still be required.
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The purpose of this form is to collect information from the parents of students (ages 11 to 18) who are interested in FREE online music lessons for their child sponsored by the NOLAKEYS Music Program.  We are receiving a large number of interested music students.  We will place as many as we can.  Thank you for your patience.
Parent's email address
Student's email address (for kids 13 and up)
Which is your child's top choice (ONLY choose one)
What level are you on with that instrument? (check only one)
What is your second choice? (In case 1st choice is not available)
Parent's Name (Last, First)
Student's Name (Last, First)
Phone number
Do you currently have an instrument at home?
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