Queens Borough President's Nonprofit Network Application
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Organization's official name *
Organization website *
Organization mailing address *
Contact person name and title *
Contact person email address *
Contact person telephone number *
Personal pronouns: Do you prefer he/him, she/her, they/them, or something else? Please type your preferred personal pronouns below. *
Type of organization: Please check as many as apply. *
If you checked "Other" in the previous question, please state what type of organization this is.
When was the organization founded? Please provide the year. *
Is this organization a 501 (c) 3? Please respond Yes/No and tell us if you have a different 501 (c) status. *
Which Queens neighborhoods does your organization serve? *
Which are the main demographic groups that you serve or empower? (We would like to know if there are specific racial, ethnic, nationality, or faith groups that participate in your organization.) *
Organization's capacity, in terms of annual budget. *
Do you already have a working relationship with staff at the Queens Borough President's Office?
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If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please name the staff member or members that you work with, to ensure that we're all on the same page.
Program and service areas: Please check as many as apply. *
Comments: Please describe the programs and services you provide. If you checked "Other" in the previous question, please state what type of programs and services are offered by your organization. *
Please list the languages that your organization provides programs and services in. *
Needs: What are three (3) needs in your organization or community? *
Please list your organization's three main interests or concerns:
Support: How can the Queens Borough President's Office help you to address the three needs you listed? *
Additional comments (optional): Please tell us anything else you want us to know about your organization, including alternate contact people. Thank you!
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