GUUF Joys & Sorrows
Use this form to submit a Joy or Sorrow to be shared in our enews and/or read aloud during Sunday service.

The cutoff time for submitting a Joy or Sorrow for any Sunday service is 9am on the Friday before. Submissions after that time will be read on the following Sunday. When necessary, submissions may be edited for brevity or content. 

If you are having a mental health emergency, please contact your health care provider or call 911. If you need pastoral support from GUUF, please send an email to the office, or contact Rev. Chris directly.
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Your name *
Are you sharing a Joy or a Sorrow? *
Keep your name anonymous?
Please check where you would like your Joy or Sorrow shared. Check all that apply.
Please share your joy or sorrow in no more than 80 words *
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