Discovery Center Collective Education Program/Field Trip Request
Thank you for your interest in the Discovery Center Collective Education program!

Please fill out the following form and a staff member will be in touch within 3-4 business days! (Longer response times should be expected around major holidays or if we are experiencing and large quantity of reservation requests.)

** If you have not received a confirmation in the 72 hour period, check your spam folder and if a confirmation is still not there, please feel free to email our School Service Coordinator at

**All requests must be made 2 weeks in advance of the desired reservation date.**

**This form does not guarantee that your request or it's details will be confirmed. Your request will not be confirmed until it has been processed by a DCC staff member. You will be notified throughout this process.**
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What school district or organization are you associated with? *
Specific School or Organization name *
What county are you located in?  *
Primary Contact Person's Full Name *
Primary Contact Person's Email *
Primary Contact's Preferred Method or Time of Communication (if any)
Secondary Contact Person(s) Information (if any)
At the least, please include name, phone number, and email.
Grade Level(s) or ages of participants *
What Program are you wanting? *
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