Adult Ballet Class Feedback Survey
Thank you for participating in Adult Ballet Class at The Ballet Academy throughout the years. Your continuous support and participation mean a lot to us. We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving on the classes.

Please kindly fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).
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Which class did you attend? (Please check all the appropriate boxes if you attend multiple classes.) *
On which day was the class you attended (Please check all the appropriate boxes if you attend classes on multiple days.) *
How satisfied were you with the class(es)? *
Not very
Very much
How satisfied were you with the classes' conduct? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Communication (Website, Emails, SMS/WhatsApp)
Level of the Classes
Size of the Classes
Activities Conducted During Class
Conducting of the Classes by Teachers
Facilities and Studio Environment
Overall Satisfaction
Are the days and times of the classes convenient for you? *
Not very
Very much
If not, what day and time is most convenient for you? *
Which teacher is your favorite? Why? *
Additional Feedback on the Class
Name (optional)
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