Organic Beginnings Montessori Nido Application
Thank you for your interest in our Nido program. This program is for children ages 16 to 36 mos. Please fill out the application below and pay the $50 application fee to be added to our waitlist. Instructions for payment are located at the bottom of this form. 

*Nido is currently full for the 2024-2025 school year.*
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Email *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Child's Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Desired start date? *
How did you hear about our school? *
Does your family have any experience with Montessori?
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Questions or Comments
Please submit your $50 application fee using the Venmo link below or by writing a personal check made out to Organic Beginnings Montessori School. If writing a check, please mail it or place it in our mailbox located at 1701 Baltic Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23451. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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