Wall Of Moms - Denver
This org came together very quickly, and we want to take a minute to assess your needs and limitations. This will not be shared with anyone beyond the admins. When you finish, you will be sent a link to download our Unofficial Protest Handbook for New Activists.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Have you participated in protests before?
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Are you immunocompromised?
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Do you have physical limitations or disabilities? *
If you answered, "yes" above, please describe the accommodations you need.
Are you a member of other local community organizations?
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If you answered, "yes" above, which orgs do you currently work or volunteer with?
If you want us to add you to our Signal chat for secure, on-site communications during direct action events, please enter your phone number below.
Are you interested in becoming a protest medic?
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Are you interested in joining our security team?
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Do you identify as BIPOC and have an interest in an admin role? If so, tell us how to reach out to you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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