Skateboard Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are excited to learn more about skateboarding.* Please note that you can use the "Other" option to tell us more about your answer.

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Are you a casual or dedicated skateboarder?
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Where do you purchase your skateboard shoes?

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How important is it to you where your skateboard shoes are made?
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Do you use your SOMs for skateboarding?
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If yes, how are they performing for you?
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Is there anything else we should know about their performance?

If you are not using your SOM for skateboarding, please tell us why.

We’ve been told that our shoes can last a casual skateboarder for more than a year. Would you agree?

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What is the price range you typically pay for your skateboard shoes?

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Would having the possibility to buy a single shoe be appealing to you? (*Some companies offer that option, which we definitely can develop at our factory)

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Do you use an add-on like trick tape on your skateboard shoe?

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Please add your name and email address below, so we can stay in touch and inform you of any developments:

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