Camper Information and Payment
Congratulations! Your child(ren) is officially enrolled in B.A.D camp. Please take a moment to fill out this form and pay the $100 deposit to secure the spot. Thank you! 
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My child is signed up for the week of (check all the apply): *
Campers Last Name *
Campers First Name *
Does your child have a nickname they would like to go by?
Grade Child is Entering: *
Email Address *
Parent #1 Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone Number) *
Parent #2 Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone Number)
Emergency Contact #1 *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Emergency Contact #2 *
Emergency Contact #2 Phone Number *
Pediatrician Name and Phone Number *
Does your child have any allergies? *
If yes, please list all allergies and what should be done in case of allergy attack. We do have epi-pens on the premises but please provide your own if your child has one.
My child keeps Cholov Yisroel *
Does your child take any medications that need to be administered during the camp day? *
If yes, please elaborate
Please list any behavioral challenges that we should be aware of
Is there anything specific you would like us to know about your child to help ensure they have a good experience at camp?
Please check yes or no: I give my child permission to be photographed which may be used on Talya's Art Studio social media accounts or website.  *
A $100 deposit to secure the spot is due upon registration. The remainder will be due one week prior to camp beginning. Please choose which payment method you will be using: *
Please initial below: I agree that I am sending my child to a specialty arts camp for them to gain creative enrichment in a fun, happy and engaging environment. In the event that my child should misbehave in a way that becomes dangerous to themselves or others, I understand that the director has the right to call me to have my child removed from the camp. No refunds will be provided.   *
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