Leicester Sketch Club survey
We are putting together the programme for 2025 and beyond and would love your feedback on what you like best about the club - and what you think we could do better.
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What are your favourite LSC activities? (please select all that you enjoy)
What do you think are the best things about the monthly meetings?  (please select all that you enjoy)
Can you suggest any guests or tutors you would like to see?
Can you suggest any locations for sketching days that you would like us to visit?
What would you like to see us do differently?  All ideas welcome!
Do you belong to any other art societies?  If yes, could you let us know which ones please?
If the club offered a bursary for art activities (for example, courses, residencies or equipment), would you be interested in applying for it?
Finally, is there anything else you would like to tell us?
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