Adoption Application
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Date *
Pet you are interested in? *
Full Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Email *
Are you at least 18 years old? *
Do you have consent of all adults in your household for this adoption?
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Do you understand SSAL has the right to refuse any adoption for any reason? *
Vet Reference. *
Are you willing to submit to a home visit? *
What kinds of pets do you have in your home?
Are your pets spayed/Neutered?
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If not why?
Have you ever surrendered an animal? *
What is your housing situation? *
Do you have children in your household? If so ages. *
Will the pet be kept indoors or outdoors?
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How will you keep this pet confined on your property? *
Are you familiar with the animal laws in your town?
All pets making the transition to a new home need time to adjust to a new family and may require house training and behavior training. Are you willing to provide any needed training>
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Signature *
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