Application to Establish a New IHE Domain
Each IHE domain is responsible for the development and maintenance of an IHE Technical Framework addressing interoperability in its respective area of healthcare. The list of current active IHE domains is at

Please complete and submit this online application form. The IHE International Board shall review each application submitted and notify the primary contact regarding approval or rejection of the application within 60 days.
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Proposed Domain Name *
Name of Individual Submitting Proposal *
Email Address *
Sponsoring Organization A *
Typically an IHE domain sponsor is an association representing health IT users that is national in scope. Note that all IHE Domain Sponsors must be active IHE Member Organizations.  At least two domain sponsors are typically required for a successful domain proposal.
Mission of Sponsoring Organization A *
Briefly describe the sponsoring organization and its mission.
Name of Primary Contact *
Email *
Telephone *
Sponsoring Organization B
Note that all IHE Domain Sponsors must be approved IHE Member Organizations.
Mission of Sponsoring Organization B
Briefly describe the sponsoring organization and its mission.
Name of Primary Contact
Sponsoring Organization C
Note that all IHE Domain Sponsors must be approved IHE Member Organizations.
Mission of Sponsoring Organization C
Briefly describe the sponsoring organization and its mission.
Name of Primary Contact
Additional Sponsoring Organizations
Please add the names of any additional sponsoring organizations along with a primary contact and email address for each.
Scope of Proposed Domain *
Described the scope of issues to be addressed by the domain, including any specific interoperability and information sharing problems already identified.
Standards Likely to Be Used
Rationale for Creating Domain *
Please include reasons why the proposed work cannot be performed in existing IHE domains.
Interest from IHE Member Organizations
Provide the names of any IHE member organizations that have expressed interest in the proposed domain.
Interest from IHE National and Regional Deployment Committees
List any IHE national or regional deployment committees that have expressed interest in the proposed domain.
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