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学生による授業評価アンケート2022 Subject Evaluation Questionnaire 2022 by Student デザイン基礎(稚内本校)
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1.履修登録前に、この授業のシラバスを読みましたか。Did you read the syllabus of this subject before enrolling?
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学生による授業評価アンケート2 Subject Evaluation Questionnaire by Student
2.シラバスはわかりやすかったですか?Was the syllabus easy to understand?
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学生による授業評価アンケート3 Subject Evaluation Questionnaire by Student
3.この授業にどれくらい出席しましたか。 How often have you attended this class .
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4.この授業に対する1週間あたりの勉強時間(授業時間を除く)はどの程度ですか。What was your study time per week(excluding class hours)for this lesson?
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5.この授業に意欲的に取り組みましたか。Have you attended this class with high motivation?
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6.授業の難易度は自分にとってどうでしたか。How was the difficulty level of this subject for you?
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7.テキストや配付資料は講義内容理解の助けになりましたか。Did the text material and handouts help you understand the content of the lecture?
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8.板書・スライド等は分かりやすく、見やすかったですか。Were the course contents e.g. slide, board work easy to understand, clear and well written?
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9.説明の仕方は分かりやすかったですか。Was the instructional method of lecture easy to understand?
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10.聞き取りやすい話し方でしたか。Do you think that the lecture was easy to listen to?  
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11.質問等を促し、それに対して適切に対応していましたか。Did the instructor encouraged discussions and responded to questions appropriately?
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12.この授業は、語学科目、演習科目、実習科目のいずれかですか。 Is this class a language subject, a practice subject, or a practical subject?
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学生による授業評価アンケート4 Subject Evaluation Questionnaire by Student
13.全体として個別的で適切な指導がなされましたか。In the case of language, exercise and practical subjects, individual and appropriate guidance was given while needed?
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14.授業全体についてよく理解できましたか。In overall, did you understand this subject well?
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15.授業の内容に興味を持ち、より深く学びたいと思いましたか。Are you interested in the contents of this subject and do you want to learn more in depth?
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16は教員設定項目です。各教員の従って回答してください。Questions 16 is given by the teacher in charge of this subject.  According to instructions, please answer the question.
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17は教員設定項目です。各教員の従って回答してください。Questions 17 is given by the teacher in charge of this subject.  According to instructions, please answer the question.
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18は教員設定項目です。各教員の従って回答してください。 Questions 18 is given by the teacher in charge of this subject.  According to instructions, please answer the question.
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19.この授業に関する感想・意見を自由に記述してください。Please provide any comments or suggestions without hesitation so that it might help us improve this subject in the future.
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20.この授業を受講して、あなた自身が学んだこと、反省していることなどを、自由に記述してください。Please provide any lesson that you learned from this subject and any regression that you feel.
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