Welcome! You have come to the right place to submit your Consultation Form to Founder and Head Coach Sean, here at On PointE Coaching & PT for Dancers, LGBTQIA+ Community, and busy adults both locally and internationally.

Well done on making it to this point, you've already made your first step!

Coming from the Dance World as opposed to the Sports World myself I understanding that fitness and the gym can be intimidating initially.

Within my services and physical base we'll focus on making it fun, safe, and comfortable for you whilst getting you where you want to be as well!
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Your Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Instagram Handle
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Occupation? *
Which service are you most interested in?
Personal Training Sessions are delivered within a semi-private gym in the heart of Glasgow City Centre.
What made you get in touch today? *
Where would you like to be 6 months from now after working with me? (what does it feel & look like?) *
How does that compare with where you see yourself currently? *
What do you feel has been standing in the way of you getting where you want to be up to this point? *
List your goals in priority order from 1 being most important and so on: *
Do you have any current or prior injuries or surgeries, or anything that impacts your movement? *
How active are you currently *
Exercise and Gym Experience on a scale of 1 (very little) to 5 (advanced)? *
Prior Personal Training Experience? *
I will give you everything I can to support you in reaching your goals but are you prepared to work with me and put the same into reaching your own goals!? *
If you have anything else to ask or say before I get in touch, please do so here...
I'll be in touch soon with how to put all this into action for you, as well as availability and prices!

Keep an eye on your messages and "junk" emails just in case,

Thanks and Welcome to On PointE Coaching & PT from me Sean
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