Volunteer Group Request
Please fill out this form if you are the point of contact interested in bringing a group to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. If there is a particular day you are interested in, please indicate that below. You can check our volunteer hub website for dates that are currently open and available here:

Please Note: Construction volunteer opportunities are updated one month at a time.
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Point of Contact Name *
E-mail Address *
Date Interested in Volunteering (Volunteer Days are Wed, Thurs and Sat in construction and Tues - Sat in the ReStore) *
Phone number *
What type of group are you bringing? *
Branch of Military
Military Base
Military Department/Division
If not military, where is your group from? Name of business, church, student group, etc.
Estimated number of volunteers? *
Are you looking to volunteer on a build/repair site or one of our ReStore retail locations? *
Are you able to complete a full volunteer shift? (Building/Repair: 8:30am-3:00pm; ReStore: 9am-1pm or 1pm-4pm) *
Is there anything you would like us to know about your group?
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