Pupil Survey - January 2017
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The school is helping me to become more confident.
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I enjoy learning at school.
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Adults in school encourage me to do my best.
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Adults in school talk to me regularly about how to improve my learning.
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I get help when I need it.
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My teachers set work which challenges me.
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Adults in school listen to me and pay attention to what I say.
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I have a say in making the way we learn in school better.
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Adults in school and pupils treat me fairly and with respect.
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I feel safe and cared for in school.
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I have adults in school I can speak to if I am upset or worried about something.
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I find it easy to talk to adults in school.
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Adults in school make sure that pupils behave well.
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Adults in school are good at dealing with bullying behaviour.
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I take part in out-of-class activities.
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