Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir: Wednesdays 4pm-4:45pm (term time)
Chamber Choir: Wednesdays 5pm - 5:30pm (term time)
Address: 1 Pond Rd Blackheath London, SE3 9JL
Contact: Amanda McTavish
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All the information recorded on this form is collected and managed in accordance with the St. Michael and All Angels Church Privacy Policy. This information has been collected for the primary purpose of St. Michael and All Angels Church and may be used for any activities conducted or promoted by St Michael And All Angels Church. If you do not want this information used for any other purpose than children’s/young people’s programmes, please notify us in writing: St. Michael and All Angels Church, 1 Pond Road, SE3 9JL; email:
Child’s Surname *
Child’s First Name *
Preferred Name
Date of Birth *
My child will be participating in these Choirs: *
Parent/Carer’s Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
My child is at least 11 years of age and is allowed to leave on their own from practice.
I agree to the Choir Code:
* All voices in a choir are important! I/my child will make every possible effort to be present at the 10:30am Sunday Services when the Children’s Choir is scheduled to sing. If we are not able to attend a service, we will notify the Choir Director or Children and Youth Coordinator (Choir Leaders) prior to the performance. (email:
* I am aware that I need to provide a folder for music given out during choir or emailed to me. I will print out the music for my child to add it to their folder. (If this is a problem, please speak to the Choir Leaders) I will help my child to remember to bring the folder to practice every week.
* I will help my child attend practice every week, arrive promptly and ready to participate. If we are unable to attend or will be late I will give Choir Leaders prior notice.
* I will collect my child from practice on time (4:45pm for SMCC or 5:30pm for Chamber Choir) from the inner door via the Musa Room unless otherwise indicated by Choir Leaders. I will keep Choir Leaders updated on who has permission to collect my child. (Church policy states that children 11 years or older my leave activities on their own with parent permission)
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