New Energy Nexus Future State Scenarios
We are trying to work out “our most likely future” (MLF) to build an Innovation Portfolio of initiatives for New Energy Nexus (1-3 years) and an Investment Portfolio for longer term (2023-2030) goals. By "global clean energy startup activity" we mean the mix of ecosystem actors we work with from investors, other accelerators and most importantly, entrepreneurs. I think the other categories are self-explanatory. Thanks for just quickly picking your answer - by doing the following survey you are helping me to elicit the wisdom of the crowd and inform our MLF:
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Do you think global clean energy startup activity between now and December 2021 will grow, stay steady, or decline?
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Do you think global clean energy startup activity between 2021 and 2023 will grow, stay steady, or decline?
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Do you think global clean energy startup activity between 2023 and 2030 will grow, stay steady, or decline?
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