Southside Community Farm Volunteer Sign-Up

Hello, and thank you for inquiring about volunteering with Southside Community Farm. There is much to be done at Southside and, as is often the case, too few hands. We need help in many areas, but when volunteering, please consider the following:

  • Think of your skills and how they can best be used at Southside Community Farm Farming is not the only thing needed at Southside. Event organization, fundraising, transportation, graphic design, accounting, teaching, and marketing are just a few of the skills that can help Southside Community Farm prosper.  Don’t ask, “How can I help?” Instead ask yourself, “What skills do I have and how can those skills be used to support the farm?”

  • Volunteer work is not easy work. Volunteering is often fulfilling work that can feed the body, mind and soul, but with it comes responsibility. Make sure you are physically and mentally capable of handling your commitments. 

  • Training volunteers can take vital human resources away from doing the work that benefits the Southside neighborhood. Too often, people volunteer because they want to learn a new skill. Unfortunately, this can take time away from focusing on the community in need. Please do not volunteer for a position with which you have no experience (unless it is a work day where we are requesting all hands on deck).

  • Be clear regarding the amount of time you are willing to give. Some volunteer positions may be for a single event, while others may be for a longer duration. Be clear with yourself and our team about the amount of time you can give. 

  • Make sure that your values and the values of Southside Community Farm are a good match. We are all individuals who have different ideas regarding how we can help our community and who should receive such help. Therefore, please read our Mission Statement and visit the News & Press section of our webpage in order to help ensure that Southside Community Farm is a good fit for you.

Again, thank you for your interest in volunteering at Southside Community Farm. It is our hope that you can join our team and help grow Black food sovereignty in the Southside neighborhood.

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Email address *
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If you represent an organization, what organization?
Do you have any special skills, interests, or resources that you would like to share with Southside Community Farm?
Do you identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or a person of color)?
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If you do identify as BIPOC, are you interested in invitations to BIPOC-only garden days at Southside Community Farm?
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Anything else you'd like to share?
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