Employer Survey

The Union County Workforce Development Board seeks feedback from employers to better understand the challenges and opportunities associated with employing individuals with disabilities.

Employer input is crucial in helping us gather comprehensive data that will not only shape future initiatives but also contribute to the advancement of inclusive workplaces. We genuinely value your insights and look forward to utilizing them to develop strategies that foster inclusivity and maximize the potential of your workforce.

We kindly request 10 minutes of your time and participation in this anonymous survey. Thank you for your support and dedication.

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Company Characteristics 

1. What industry is your company engaged in? May choose more than one answer.  *
2. In which of the following cities is your company located? 
3. Company Size *

4. To your knowledge, do any of your company's current employees have a physical or mental disability? 

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an individual with a disability is defined as a person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) has a record of such an impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. 

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your company's commitment to prioritizing a fully accessible workplace for individuals with disabilities? (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
Low Priority
High Priority
6. Does your company have partnerships with or actively recruit individuals with disabilities from any of the following organizations? May choose more than one answer.  *

7. Do you have a designated point of contact or department responsible for addressing disability-related inquiries, concerns, or accommodation requests?

Accessibility, Inclusion, and Accommodations

8. Have you implemented any accommodations or modifications in your workplace to accommodate the needs of employees with disabilities?

9. Do you provide training or awareness programs for your staff to promote disability inclusion and foster an inclusive work environment? *
10. Would you say your company has convenient access to public transportation? *

11. Are you familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its provisions aimed at promoting inclusivity and accessibility in the workplace?
12. Are you aware of the benefits and disability-specific resources, incentives, or support available to employers who hire individuals with disabilities?
13. Which services can your company utilize when seeking to hire, train, and retain individuals with disabilities? May choose more than one answer. 
14. Many employers have concerns about hiring people with disabilities. How much of a concern are the following factors to your company in hiring people with
disabilities? May choose more than one answer
15. We value your input. Please provide any feedback or suggestions you have regarding the recruitment, hiring, and training process for individuals with disabilities. Your insights will help us improve our practices and ensure a more inclusive environment.
16. Would you be interested in participating in the Union County Workforce Development Board Disabilities Committee, whose mission is to promote the inclusion, support, and empowerment of individuals with disabilities within the workforce in Union County by providing resources and guidance to employers, and facilitating the successful integration of individuals with disabilities into the workforce.
If Yes, please write your name, email, and phone number in the space below.
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