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Financial Commitment for 2025
for Peace United Church of Christ, Duluth
After submitting this form, you will immediately receive a copy of your response by email.
This commitment can be changed at any time by giving notice to the church officer.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your answer
ADDRESS (if changed recently)
Your answer
BEST PHONE # to reach you at
Your answer
I / we plan to give $:
Your answer
Each week
Each month
Twice a month
This year (i.e., the amount entered is the total for the year, not necessarily on a set schedule)
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For an annual total of $:
Your answer
We accept checks, cash, ACH/EFT, credit cards, and gifts of stock.
PLEASE CHECK WHICH METHOD(S) are relevant to you, so the bookkeeper can handle any follow-up:
My giving will mostly be by check, cash, or online giving initiated by me (Not using our automated system) (Skip to end of form)
I would like to give on an automated recurring schedule; please contact me to finish setting it up. (The bookkeeper may send you an authorization form to sign. For changes to existing authorization, a new signature is not always needed. You can also set it up yourself if you make an account online with Vanco Payments).
I prefer to use Paypal to set up my recurring giving (you can use the link at
This giving plan requires no changes to my current automated withdrawals
Please contact me to clarify these available giving methods.
If you're ready to set up your automated giving without waiting for a response from the bookkeeper:
Click here to open the Vanco (automated giving) authorization form in a new window
I would like to talk with someone about including the church in my will (optional):
Please contact me
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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