Arena Breakthrough
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What is your name?
What is your organization/business name?
What is your preferred email address?
Are you the primary decision maker for an Arena Breakthrough?
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Can you tell us a bit about the current state of your business including what kind of work you and and what you sell?

For example, what industry do you serve? Give a ballpark for the number of people on staff and average length of employee tenure.
What led you to reach out to me?

What is the #1 challenge we can help you solve? Are you mostly looking to improve team communication, or are you looking to increase employee engagement and address burnout in a new way? Or are you hoping to provide leadership development for high-potential employees? 
What type of leadership development, team building and wellness activities have you tried in the past?

What has worked well in previous engagements?

What did not work as well in previous engagements?

Does your organization use:
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What are the pain points you are looking to address with an Arena Breakthrough? 
How are the pain points above impacting your team, your clients and vendors?
What would success from an Arena Breakthrough look like to you?
When would you like to start?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
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