Capstone Church Volunteer Application
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Email *
Name   *
Street address *
City, State, and Zip Code *
Mobile number *
Mobile provider *
OK to text? *
Our scheduling system uses text reminders.  Is it ok to text you for scheduling purposes?
Other contact number
Date of Birth *
Occupation *
Please tell us what you do for a living.
Service Teams
Tell us in which area you are most interested in volunteering. (Only choose one.)
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Other Interests
Are there any other areas you may be interested in serving that you did not indicate in the previous question? (Check as many as you like.)
Time preference *
Do you have a preference for which time you serve on Sunday mornings?
Special Skills or Qualifications
Please share with us any special skills or interests you may have.  
Previous Volunteer Experience
Please share with us any prior volunteer experience.
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