New Student Registration
Welcome and thank you for choosing to enroll your child in the Indiana Area School District!
**Please note that IASD is located in Pennsylvania. This is NOT a school in the state of Indiana.**

This form is a pre-enrollment request that will be reviewed by school staff. Based on the information provided, you will be contacted by the school of enrollment to provide all of the required paperwork. Several documents are required to enroll in IASD, which you can upload directly into Powerschool once prompted, or you may bring in copies to the building secretary. 

You will be asked to provide proof of the child's age (e.g. birth certificate), current immunization record, proof of residency (e.g. driver's license, utility bills, mortgage statement, rental agreement, city income tax, etc. - the document must show the address where the child lives), as well as a completed physical and dental examination. These forms are available on our website to be completed by the child's physician and dentist.

If you have any questions, you may call our Administration Office at (724) 463-8713 or your school of enrollment.

As you move through the registration process and need assistance with a language other than English, please email Mr. Don Springer at with your language request.

We look forward to supporting you and your child through his or her educational journey!
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School Year for Enrollment *
**PreK uses a separate enrollment method - please check our website.**
Student Legal Name *
First Middle Last
Street Address *
Example: 501 East Pike Rd, Indiana PA
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Grade *
Select the grade you are enrolling for, Grades K-12. 
**PreK uses a separate enrollment method - please check our website.**
Which school is the student entering? *
Click here to see a boundary map.  School enrollment is based upon the home address. This map is provided as a guide only and may not be exact. If you are near a boundary line, or have any questions, please check with the admin office before finalizing registration.
Siblings enrolled at IASD
First and Last Name
Expected Date to Begin School
For students transferring into the district, please provide the expected date that the student should begin attendance at IASD.
Previous School Information
For students transferring into the district, please provide the name, address, city, state, and telephone number of the school district so that IASD can begin the transfer process.
For previously homeschooled students, please write "homeschooled."
If n/a, please skip.
Parent / Guardian Name *
First Middle Last.
This contact will be the primary contact to receive the enrollment information and login for Powerschool.
Parent / Guardian: Relationship to Student
example: Mother, Grandparent, etc.
Parent / Guardian Phone *
Best contact number
Parent / Guardian Email Address *
The Powerschool enrollment link will be sent to the email address provided.
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