*Dual membership in the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)
*One million dollars of liability insurance through NFHS
*Quarterly GCCA newsletter via email
*Website with information and links to state and national organizations:
www.georgiacheer.com*Annual spring and summer conferences with important clinics for technical, safety, and liability information
*Certification classes through national programs
*Membership directory listing other coaches around the state
*Information on state and national organizations, competition, sportsmanship, and other important concerns at your fingertips
*Opportunity to nominate candidates for Cheerleader of the Year Scholarship / All-State cheerleading squad (COTY)
*Eligible to be nominated for Georgia Cheerleading Coach of the Year (GCOY)
*Opportunity to nominate your team for the Georgia Team of the Year (GTOY)
*Fellowship and fun in getting to know your fellow cheerleading coaches across the state
# Georgia Athletic Coaches’ Association membership also required (see your Athletic Director for GACA information)
Received by 1st Deadline, May 15------------------------------------$70.00
Received by 2nd Deadline, June 15----------------------------------$90.00
Received by Final Deadline, August 15---------------------------$110.00
Payment Options: You may pay via PayPal with Credit Card ( a 4% service charge will be added) or you may mail a check to the address below:
Payments not submitted with Google Form will be Invoiced for payment by August 1.
Please mail paper form and dues to:
Charita Bowers
(Georgia Cheerleading Coaches Association)
158 West Tahoe Drive
Savannah, GA 31405
PayPal Link:
*please note there will be 4% service charge