GCCA Membership Form 2024
Please have each coach registering for membership complete this form.  
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Email *
Membership Benefits:
*Dual membership in the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)
*One million dollars of liability insurance through NFHS
*Quarterly GCCA newsletter via email
*Website with information and links to state and national organizations: www.georgiacheer.com
*Annual spring and summer conferences with important clinics for technical, safety, and liability information
*Certification classes through national programs
*Membership directory listing other coaches around the state
*Information on state and national organizations, competition, sportsmanship, and other important concerns at your fingertips
*Opportunity to nominate candidates for Cheerleader of the Year Scholarship / All-State cheerleading squad (COTY)
*Eligible to be nominated for Georgia Cheerleading Coach of the Year  (GCOY)
*Opportunity to nominate your team for the Georgia Team of the Year  (GTOY)
*Fellowship and fun in getting to know your fellow cheerleading coaches across the state

# Georgia Athletic Coaches’ Association membership also required (see your Athletic Director for GACA information)


Received by 1st Deadline, May 15------------------------------------$70.00
Received by 2nd Deadline, June 15----------------------------------$90.00
Received by Final Deadline, August 15---------------------------$110.00

Payment Options: You may pay via PayPal with Credit Card ( a 4% service charge will be added) or you may mail a check to the address below:
Payments not submitted with Google Form will be Invoiced for payment by August 1.

Please mail paper form and dues to:
Charita Bowers
(Georgia Cheerleading Coaches Association)
158 West Tahoe Drive
Savannah, GA 31405

PayPal Link:
*please note there will be 4% service charge

Last Name *
First Name *
How will you be paying your membership dues? *
Preferred Email Address: (If your school uses a filtering system, please use an email that will accept messages from the GCCA.) *
School (please use the format of Blank High School or Blank Middle School) *
Street Address (school's address) *
City *
Zip Code *
State *
Region (Ex: 1-AAA) Please see link if you are unsure of your region classification.  (2024-2025 GHSA REGION ALIGNMENTS *
Classification (Ex: 1-AAA) Please see link if you are unsure of your region classification. 2024-2025 CLASSIFICATION LIST *
Home Phone: (include area code) *
Cell Phone: (include area code) *
School Phone: (include area code) *
School Fax: (include area code) *
Check all that apply: *
Disclaimer: I understand that GCCA members have access to the membership database.  I will not share this information outside of the group nor will I use it for purposes unrelated to cheerleading in the State of Georgia. I also understand that by signing this form, I am making a commitment for payment of dues in order to receive NFHS insurance and be added to the GCCA distribution list.  If payment is not submitted with form or received by August 1, I will be invoiced for membership. Please provide signature/name below.                                                                     *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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