Podcast Topics for Unfiltered Reality Podcast
See my 5 minute promo video on my Unfiltered Reality YouTube page: https://youtu.be/Sc6HA8CvkP4

THANK YOU so much for being willing to give me your perspective. I really want this podcast to be a relatable bio-hacking / life-hacking resource from my quirky perspective.
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For episode 1 - Related to this podcast, what would you like to know about me? What do you already know about me that you think others would find interesting? *
For "Episode 1: Getting to know Coach Suanshine" I want to make sure to have a list of interview questions sourced from others.  I may even bring someone in to interview me. :-)  
Eh? Please please please be kind.
Eh? Please please please be kind.
Which wellness topics would you like hear about from me and a topic expert?
Are there specific wellness sub-topics you are interested in?  If yes, which one(s)?
Which business topics would you like hear about from me and a topic expert?
I have been in technology customer experience design for 13+ years. I started a home care agency from business plan to service. I run my own consulting company that builds digital programs for mission based companies. I am working on three (3) seed company concepts right now. See a summary of my career on linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/suankregel
Are there specific business sub-topics you are interested in?  If yes, which one(s)?
Which random life topics would you like hear about from me and a topic expert?
If you don't know I am... half-white-American and half-black-african (yes, there is a difference) who does not identify in a typical way. From a family the is half African immigrant. I am a very modern compassionate Christian. I focus on what connects us so that growth can start in me and positively impact those I interact with. I perfect is not possible, I am just trying to be the best me of the moment.
Are there specific life sub-topics you are interested in? If yes, which one(s)?
Is there a topic that you could provide information on as a guest? If so, which one(s)?
How long are your favorite podcasts?
I want to make sure I break up topics into lengths that make sense for how you listed to them.
Who are you? (Last Name, First Name) *
What is your email? *
So I can tell you when episodes launch. No spam. I promise. I don't have time to create that much content. haha.
Where do you know me from? AKA, why are you taking this survey? *
Is there anything else you would like to share or suggest?
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