#DLFTeach Toolkit Blog Questionnaire
We are Allison Kittinger and Kristina Lang, #DLFTeach 2020 Project Leaders. The goal of this blog series is to understand how practitioners have used and adapated the #DLFTeach Toolkit in their own practice, and how their pedagogy has changed over the past year. We are asking participants to provide a 500-1000 word draft by December 31, 2020. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you in advance for considering contributing to this series.

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Tell us about yourself and your role. *
This is space in which you can write your blog post. Some questions to consider: 1. The history of your #DLFteach Toolkit lesson plan: how did it develop over time? 2. Teaching your lesson plan: any memorable experiences in the classroom? 3. Adapting to distance/remote teaching: have you taught this (or similar) lessons since this spring? How did it go? What observations have you made? *
What would you like to see in future versions of the #DLFTeach toolkit?
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