Future Leaders Program at the IMA

The Islamic Museum of Australia will be hosting a Future Leaders program for 10 weeks during Term 4. This event will be held every Friday, beginning Friday the 11th of October from 5pm-7pm. Our program is targeted for students between Years 10-12 and is open to both boys and girls. 

Our mentors will lead you through a range of weekly activities that focus on developing leadership, interpersonal skills and confidence! Each week will focus on developing different skills, including: communication, respect, team work, goal setting, problem solving, confidence and identity, which you can carry with you throughout your life. 

Our program will provide you with an opportunity to connect with like minded Muslims, who you can build connections with over the 10 weeks. The program will include a planned activity, dinner, salat, and unwinding time which involves choice of: basketball, card games, craft, painting, and board games.

This program requires a $100 deposit, and after attending 80% or more of the 10 weeks, $50 will be returned to you. This is to ensure that you are committed to participating in the whole program (illness or exam/study leave is considered within this).

Please fill out the form below as an Expression Of Interest. Limited spots are available, so only chosen participants will be contacted. We can’t wait to begin our journey on developing successful Muslim leaders with you, we hope to see you there, InshaAllah!

Event Time: 5pm - 7pm every Friday night beginning October 11th.
Event Address: 15A Anderson Road, Thornbury, 3071
For more information contact Jacquie Bourtzis at: education@islamicmuseum.org.au or call 1300 915 171
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Year level *
Interests *
Extra-curricular activities *
Why do you want to participate in this program? *
Cultural background (eg. Lebanese) *
Are you currently employed? If yes, what days do you work? *
What leadership skills are you most looking forward to developing? *
How did you hear about this program? (if school, which one) *
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