Absence Request Form
Must only be for excused absences (weddings, doctors appointments, etc) , at least 2 weeks in advance.
Requests entered less than 2 weeks in advance, or are unexcused absence situations will not be accepted.
If you choose to miss a rehearsal or performance without getting it approved or for an unexcused situation, your grade will be affected negatively.
This form is not intended for sports or major activities conflicts. These situations are complicated and require communication between the student, the directors, and the coach or sponsor. The conflict must be communicated shortly after notification of the sports or activities schedule, so all parties can work out the most positive course of action for the day. We are always willing to work out compromises! Failure to notify the directors of the conflict in a timely manner will result in deduction of grade if a rehearsal or performance is missed due to the conflict.
For sudden illness or family emergencies, please contact the directors personally to explain your situation as soon as possible, as these occur with little to no notice. We always use our best judgement with special cases. Please, just let us know!
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Full Name *
Are you missing a rehearsal or a performance? *
Date of rehearsal or performance that you are requesting to miss: *
If you are only going to miss part of the rehearsal or performance, state that here, with what time to expect you back.
Reason for missing? Where is the event you are planning to attend instead? *
If you are missing for a school sports or activities conflict, did you already communicate the absence with a director to see if there is any way to do both events? Explain who you talked to and the conclusion that was reached. If you did not talk to a director yet, do that first before filling out this form.
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