Contribute to the SPOC-UAW Strike Fund
Support postdoctoral researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike:

Postdoctoral Fellows at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS; “Mount Sinai”), collectively the Sinai Postdoctoral Organizing Committee-UAW (SPOC-UAW), have been in negotiations with ISMMS for more than a year, with ISMMS stalling negotiations and engaging in unfair labor practices that have stymied progress towards a fair first contract. In August 2023, Postdocs voted by an overwhelming 91% to authorize the bargaining committee to call a strike if circumstances justified. On December 6, 2023, UAW postdoctoral researchers at ISMMS began an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike in response to Mount Sinai’s failure to rectify this unlawful conduct and reach an agreement that makes Mount Sinai more equitable for all postdoctoral researchers.

This fund will be used to supplement the financial support members receive from the UAW Strike Assistance Program to ensure that Postdocs can maintain a strong picket line and help Postdocs who experience emergency hardship as a result of lost pay.

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