Prenatal Massage Client Intake Form
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Email *
How did you hear about me? *
Name *
Full Address *
Birth Date *
Phone # *
Occupation *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone # *
Have you received Massage Therapy or Bodywork before? *
If yes, what kinds and how often?
Do you have any allergies to oils, lotions or dislike smells? If yes, please explain below... *
Are you on any medication? *
If yes, which ones?
Do you exercise? *
If yes, how many times per week and for how long?
Please list and explain other conditions/symptoms you are or have experienced *
Have you had any serious or chronic illness, operations, or traumatic accidents? *
If yes, please explain
Prenatal Care Provider/Doctor Name *
Prenatal Care Provider/Doctor Phone # *
May I have permission to contact your Care Provider? *
Your Due Date *
This is my ________ pregnancy (number 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) *
This will be my _________ birth
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How many weeks pregnant are you? *
Which trimester are you in? *
Please check current problems *
List any previous but not current conditions *
Do you have other conditions or problems in your current or past pregnancies? If yes, please list. *
Is there anything else you would like me to know? *
According to my doctor/midwife, I am experiencing a: *
If I am currently having or develop complications (any conditions/symptoms listed above with *) I will discuss the condition with my massage therapist and will have a medical release for bodywork signed by my prenatal care provider before continuing bodywork.

I have completed this health form to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Bodywork is a health aid and does not take the place of a physician's care. Any information exchanged during a Massage or Bodywork session is confidential and is only used to provide you with the best health care services.

If I am not able to make a scheduled appointment, I agree to cancel the appointment 24 hours in advance. If I miss a scheduled appointment without giving 24 notice, I agree to pay any missed appointment charge.
I acknowledge the information above *
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