Apply for Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy
with Numana Allie McFee, Womb Priestess ~ Coach ~ Women's Health Educator  ~ Tantric Practitioner 

Beginning- Sept 2024 (Orientation Sept 12).

For Course Modules, please visit:

Leadership Initiation + Personal Transformation (3 months)

Optional but Recommended!! KAUAI RETREAT- 5 days of sisterhood empowerment (optional- all inclusive)

Liberate your inner creatrix, align with your goddess power + live your purpose as the leader you were born to be.

Next Cohort- I guide you + an intimate group of women visionaries, along with my team with weekly feminine embodiment rituals + coaching mastermind calls that turn you on, creatively spark you, and offer you somatic + emotional release practices that transform you.

Payment Plans available. Retreat Package offered with discount.

****Once you have applied, you can book a call with our Enrollment Priestess, Kiana to discuss more *****
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3 Month Leadership Initiation + LIVE Coaching for entrepreneurs, coaches + priestesses to liberate your juicy feminine creation energy💦 while serving your purpose and amplify your income 💸 with burnout.
Today's Date *
Email *
First Name & Last *
City, State or Country of Residence *
What is your instagram handle? *
WhatsApp # (if you don't have Whatsapp, add your phone number) *
Which JFL programs are you applying for? (click all that you desire) *
From who or how did you hear about this program?
Tell me your epic dream, your juiciest vision for living your life with purpose. Don't censor yourself, no playing small here, queen. Take up SPACE. *
Do you have a business? (ex. coach, healer, space-holder) and/or what is your next-level business vision? *
What is your current relationship to your body? Your sexuality, cycle, and pleasure? *
Do you have any hormonal symptoms? *
What is your biggest challenge currently? And how long have you struggled with this? *
What do you feel needs to be cleared from your sacred womb-space? *
What would your ideal lifestyle and business look like at the end of this training?  *Warning* This program tends to rapidly liberate you from unconscious blocks from fully thriving in your authentic creativity. *
This program is a Transformational Investment with a 6 month payment plan option. (paid in full is discounted). Do you have or are you willing to claim the financial means you need to invest in this program and your expansion? *
Are you interested in attending the Juicy Feminine Leadership Retreat in November 2024 on Kauai, HI with the other babes in your program? *
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