Livebook Teams Free Beta
Livebook Teams enables you to build and deploy internal tools fast with Elixir and Livebook.

We are in free beta, that means users can get early access and contribute to the roadmap.

Please take a minute to answer the questions below, and we will send you an email invite to the beta.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Company *
How many editors would use Livebook Teams? *
Editors are users who can create, edit, and manage notebooks.
How many viewers would use Livebook Teams? *
Viewers have access to deployed notebooks but cannot create them.
Where would you deploy Livebook? *
How do you authenticate users at your company? *
Which databases do you need to access from Livebook?
What are you using Livebook for?
Any other comments? Speak your mind.
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