Join the STOP THE BURN Campaign!
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Who we are:
The Stop Pre-harvest Sugar Field Burning Campaign is a growing movement of residents within and around the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA).  We are organizing to pressure the sugar industry to end the outdated, toxic practice of pre-harvest sugar field burning and make the switch to the modern, sustainable, “burn-free” method of green harvesting. We know that what goes up in smoke now should and could be a valuable natural resource to fuel job creation for residents and increased profits for growers.

It is time for the sugar industry to become a better neighbor to those who are impacted by the smoke and ash.  The manner in which sugar growers harvest their crops should not be at the expense of our public health, quality of life, and local economies. Together, we can put an end to this environmental injustice and move toward a clean air future where good, green jobs will sustain our families.

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