Ideal article length is around 4 pages (1,000 words). Articles must be fewer than 32k characters (about 10 pages)
Try to write in a manner that will appeal to a general audience. Avoid being overly dense or “academic”.
Avoid choppy, twitter-like sentences in your writing. These are long-form prose articles.
Avoid jargon. Assume the audience is not familiar with your niche.
No profanity.
Articles should only have MINIMAL formatting (Line breaks, bold, italics, and bulleted/numbered lists).
Images should not be included unless significantly important to the content (e.g. no memes) and MUST be fair use (i.e. not taken from copyright sources).
Charts/tables should be submitted in text form (not images). Data tables will be recreated in the magazine’s own styling)
The print edition cannot support links, so URLs should be typed out in full, in END NOTE format (i.e. at the end of the article).
Bios will allow for one social media link, one blog link, and one e-commerce link