Gryphonwood Birman Adoption Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in our Birmans! Please help us get to know you by completing our adoption questionnaire.  We receive many inquiries and this questionnaire helps us stay organised.  Your information will be retained for 24 months and we will contact you to arrange a visit when your dream Birman becomes available. Gryphonwood is a very small hobby cattery and we appreciate your patience - we promise it will be worth it! 
Your name: *
Your email: *
Your address: *
Phone number(s): 
Are you looking for a kitten or an adult Birman? *
Do you have any preference about the gender of your Birman?  *
Below are the colours and patterns that our Birmans can genetically produce.  Please check all that you would be interested in: *
We require that cats and kittens have a wellness check up by your veterinarian within 72 hours of being picked up. Do you have a veterinarian?  *
Name and address of veterinarian:
Do you plan to enrol in pet health insurance for your new Birman?
Please tell us about your current or past pets. 
Please tell us about any other people who will live and interact with your Birman (roommates, children, parents etc.)
How will you manage your Birmans natural furniture/carpet scratching behaviour?
Will your Birman be able to access the outdoors and if so, how will you ensure their safety?
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