Questionnaire for CIRCLE by Jelisa Jay Robinson
Your feedback is vital to the development of this work. Please answer as many of the questions below as you can.
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What is your name? (optional)
In what city and country are you currently located?
How did you hear about this reading?
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What moments or details from the play stood out the most to you?
What were your impressions of the characters (ie. "Did they always feel motivated?" "Did they ever confuse or surprise you?" "Did they ever feel underwritten?" etc) Feel free to answer this for any or all of them.
Were you invested in the world of the play, and if so, how long did it take you to feel drawn into it?
Were there moments where you felt especially connected or disconnected from the work?
Were there any questions or confusions you were left with in the end?
If you had to describe this play to someone in a sentence or two, what would you say? Would you classify it within a specific genre?
Please write any additional comments below.
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