Northeast Spokane Circle of Security Program
Families with Young Children -- This Program is for You!

Sign up today for a no-cost, 8-week program to strengthen your relationship with your child (0-6 yrs) and meet with other families. Classes will be held at the Northeast Community Center at 4001 N Cook Street, Spokane, WA 99207.  Gift cards are given based on attendance and you must live in NE Spokane to participate.

The ZoNE Community Engagement Coordinator will contact you to let you know when the next session is starting and to answer any questions! Thank you.
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Here are all the neighborhoods that qualify!
First and Last Name *
Street Address (Please check the ZoNE map above) *
Phone Number *
Ages of Children (must be caring for a child age 0-6) *
Preference of Class Times *
How did you hear about this program? Flyer? Website? If a friend or neighbor referred you please let us know!
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