Domesticadence 2017 Custom Order Form
Due to high volume of custom order requests and orders from stores and groups- specifically for mini-globe/ ornaments, I am creating a first come, first serve order form.   Upon completion of form, I will contact you to confirm your order with price and any other questions.  I will also let you know if requested items are no longer available, or if your request cannot be completed, so please provide an email that you check frequently!  You will be asked for preferred payment method, and orders will not be official or begun until payment is received. Please fill out separately for each individual item. Thanks!  If you're a store or entity interested in Wholesale Pricing, please see "Wholesale" Button on homepage.
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Custom Item Request *
(globe, clock, etc)
Type/Size/Quantity *
(pattern, design, map location, etc)
Date needed *
(exact date or preferred timeframe)
Name of Buyer *
(your name)
Preferred payment method *
Contact email *
(best email to send cofirmation email to)
Any other info, questions
(any additional info you'd like to provide, phone #, etc)
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