Volunteer Application
We are searching for dedicated volunteers to join us on a regular basis! Although this is volunteer work, we do put a lot of time into training our volunteers and ask that they show up on time, work hard, and call us if they are unable to make it in. Volunteers must commit to a minimum of 2 days a month, but more often is welcomed and preferred. Volunteers must be 18 years or older, and must sign a waiver to be on premise. Please note that our bats are still very much wild animals, and while many will accept treats and are comfortable around us, they are not to be handled.

Here is what to expect...

We begin work at 8am. Volunteers may assist a staff member in our fruit bat enclosure, completing tasks such as: collecting & washing soiled laundry, sweeping, mopping, hanging food dishes, switching out toys, handing out melon treats, visual check ups, laying clean sheets down on the enclosure floor, and other various cleaning tasks. We also place volunteers in our kitchen, where duties may include; washing dishes, chopping fruit, assembling food dishes, and general cleaning.  There is often things to be done in our office as well if you'd ever be interested in assisting with that, such as creating our bat sponsorship packages. We are typically done with our animal care work around 11/noon, we do our best to get an early start and get done at a reasonable time, so that we can dim the lights and let the bats get some rest. Volunteers are welcome to stay after animal care if they would like to help out in the office. Dress code is pretty simple; no shorts, and closed toed (nothing with a heel) shoes are required to be in our enclosures. The staff usually wear leggings/jeans & t-shirts.  Volunteers are welcome to bring a drink and we do have a coffee/snack station everyone is welcome to.

Our address is 299 High Point Rd, Weatherford Texas. If you have any questions, please email us at info@batworld.org. If we think you would be a good fit, we will reach out to you via email to schedule your first day! Thank you!
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Email *
Name: *
Phone number: *
Full address (including zip code): *
Are you over 18? *
Current Occupation: *
How did you find out about us? *
Do you have any volunteering experience? If so, where? *
Do you have any limitations that would prevent you from completing the tasks outlined in the introduction? *
Do you have any allergies to fruits, vegetables, or cleaning chemicals? *
What days are you interested in volunteering with us? *
Approximately how many days a month will you be able to join us? (Minimum is 2)
Are you able to start at 8am?
How long would you like to volunteer with us?
We are typically finished with animal care at around noon. Is there a specific time you will need to leave?
What skills or qualifications do you have that will help you in a volunteer position with Bat World Sanctuary?
Do you have any animals at home? If so, please tell us about them:
Have you ever taken any animal training classes? If so, what species?
Have you had your pre-exposure rabies vaccination? (Not required to work with our fruit bats)
Have you ever been disciplined for violating work policies forbidding the use of alcohol or tobacco?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Have you ever had any bat related experiences?
What size shirt do you wear? (Volunteer shirts given after 8 shifts have been completed) *answer not required
Thank you for filling out our application! If we feel you'd be a good fit, we will contact you via email to schedule your first day!  
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