Professional Development Grant Application
The Professional Development Grant provides up to $500 to support the professional undertakings of Alumni Association members. Applications can reduce the burden of a variety of expenditures, including, but not limited to: licensure fees, occupational training, project development costs, and books or tuition for graduate studies
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What is your name? *
Please provide your phone, email, and mailing address so we can send your check, if selected: *
1.) Describe your career goals, purpose and professional intent. For what are you requesting funding? How will this funding aid your professional goals? If awarded funds, what are your plans for executing these objectives, and what is your proposed timeline for fulfillment? (500 Words) *
2.) How do the principles of Kappa Kappa Psi guide you in your professional actions? (300 Words) *
I agree to let the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association publicize this award and highlight my professional achievements as I continue to Strive for My Highest. *
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