Summer camp  24th- 28th July 
To register your interest in the Summer camp, please answer the following questions:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
child's name 
What year is your child in? 
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Your contact details: Name. email, phone number and Address 
Emergency Contact details: Name, relationship to child and phone number 
What school does your child attend?
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Does your child have any medical needs? e.g. asthma, allergies, use of EpiPen Describe below:  *
As this camp is fully funded based on specific criteria met by children, we would like to ask if any of the following categories apply to your child?
Does your child have any special needs? Please detail any extra support that may be required. 

As the camp relies on funding, a report will be written at the end of the week and sent to stakeholders, so we can hopefully run it again! We would therefore like to take photos during the week to document it.


Do you consent to us to take and use photographs for publicity and reporting top funders?

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How we will collect and store your data

We will be using data already available from our school system to report to funders, who want to understand who is using the activities they support. 

We will only collect information that is necessary for the project and we will store all data securely and not keep it for any longer than necessary. We will only use anonymised data for reporting purposes and so your personal data will not be shared with anyone else. 

Your information will not be sold or given to any third party for marketing purposes. 

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the rights in regard to your data. These include: 

The right of access- you can request a copy of the personal information we hold amount you to see what we hold and what we are doing with it.

The right of rectification- you can ask to correct any personal information about you that is wrong or complete any that is incomplete.

The right of erasure- in some circumstances you can ask us tod let or remove personal information if you no longer want us to have it and we have no good reason for keeping it.

The right to object- you can object to us using your data if you are waiting for us to correct something or have no good reason for using it. 

For further information about our school GDPR please visit our school website to read our data protection policy:

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