DCS Volunteer Hour Submission Form
Use this form to record volunteer hours for Discovery Community School for each person and event that volunteered. For example, if both parents volunteered at the Fall Festival, you would fill out the form two times and use the same email address for both parents.

When filling in your email address, please use a single email address for all submissions from your family. This will help us reconcile the data and track your family's hours.

For more information on which events are eligible for submission, please seeĀ DCS's Volunteering page.

Please use a single email address for all submissions from your family. If you ever need to change the email address you're using, please contact co-chairs@dcscg.org and we'll modify your past responses accordingly.
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Email *
Who volunteered? *
What volunteer activity type did you participate in? *
This helps us track where we're seeing volunteer interest in available activities.
What did you do? *
What day did you volunteer? *
How long did you volunteer? *
Are there any additional notes you'd like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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