The Mittens Pop-Up Bike Shop Appointment Request
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I'm looking forward to working on your bike! I will only available for indoor appointments and emergencies this week - it is too cold for in-depth outdoor work. Please complete the form below. I will reach out within 48 hours with scheduling info!

Regularly scheduled, non-urgent appointments are typically available in a week or a little more. I also keep a limited number of emergency slots available. In order to keep these slots open, I charge an additional rush fee of $45 for same-day or next-day scheduling.

If you're looking to purchase an ebike through the DC ebike voucher program, you should know that I'm an authorized vendor for Bunch and for Madsen. If you'd like to buy one of those I can get you set up and you should fill out this form! I'm a pretty low-tech, mostly repair business, so the best way to get more info about those bikes is to check out the brand's website.
First and Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
If you don't have a cell phone or can't receive text messages, please let me know how to contact you
Double check your phone number *
If you typed it incorrectly, I won't be able to get back to you and that will be sad
Address *
Your home, your workplace or wherever you'd like me to work on your bike
How urgent is it?

Regularly scheduled, non-urgent appointments are typically available within about a week or a bit more. I also keep a limited number of emergency slots available. In order to keep these slots open, I charge an additional rush fee of $45 for same-day or next-day scheduling.
When are you available?  *
Most appointments are scheduled Monday - Friday, 9 - 5, but if that does not work for you let me know and I'll try to accommodate. 

- Weekdays before 5
- Any day except Thursday
- Friday or Saturday anytime
How many bikes would you like me to work on? *
How did you hear about me? 
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