The undersigned expressly acknowledges that the activities of the parade (including pre- and post-parade activities) are dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury, death, and/or property damage. The undersigned agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless American Legion Post 1111, its officers, its members, and its affiliates, employees, agents, and representatives connected with
the parade for any personal injuries, property loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the actions of the parade participants connected to the group, float, or individuals.
I acknowledge the existence of risks in connection with this event and assume such risks, and agree to accept the responsibility of any injury sustained. By signing this waiver, I waive any and all demands, suits, actions, or claims of any kind whatsoever it has ever had in the past or will have in the future against the parties listed above.
Throwing of candy, toys or other objects is NOT allowed FROM ANY VEHICLE (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Participants on foot MAY distribute candy or other items by handing them to spectators.