Community Garden Partnership Program Application
The Office of Sustainability (OOS) is currently looking to partner with local community organizations and businesses to build vibrant community gardens and to promote sustainable composting techniques. The goal of the program is to provide the opportunity for community members to learn about composting through the gardens, and ultimately, practice the composting techniques at home and reduce the amount of organic wastes from being sent to landfills.

The OOS may provide funding and resources to help develop and maintain the gardens, while the partnering organization’s role is to use the funding to build the garden, coordinate with the gardeners to keep the garden up and growing and promote composting and sustainable gardening.

Program requirements:
Community garden must be in San Mateo County
Community garden must be accessible to the public (exception for schools and resource centers)
Community garden must display educational signage about composting provided by the OOS
Partnering organization must commit to maintaining the garden by keeping up with the vegetation and compost bins and ensuring an
        adequate supply of informational brochures on composting
Partnering organization must compost the materials generated from the garden and promote composting to the garden members

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Date *
Name of the organization. *
Name of the person that has the authority to enter into an official agreement/contract with the County of San Mateo (for instance, a school district that's applying on behalf of one of its schools/programs, etc.)
Contact person of organization if different from above. *
Address of organization *
Email address of organization *
Phone number of organization *
Type of organization *
How many people will this serve? *
Address of the garden *
Is the garden accessible to the public?  (exception for schools and resource centers) *
If no, please explain why: *
What area or population will this community garden serve? Please provide information on the community your garden will serve. For example, neighborhood name, city name, school/school district name, etc. *
Does this garden currently exist, or are you planning on building a new one? *
If existing, please describe the garden's current condition and its usage: *
What materials are you looking to request for the garden? *
Describe your proposed project concept and how it aligns with the Community Garden program objectives. Feel free to outline this in a separate attachment if needed. *
Describe your proposed project implementation and timeline.
Provide a detailed plan on how your organization will maintain the garden. *
Who will be on the project team?
What is the proposed budget?
How will this garden demonstrate and promote the benefits of composting to residents and community members? *
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