Community Garden Partnership Program Application
The Office of Sustainability (OOS) is currently looking to partner with local community organizations and businesses to build vibrant community gardens and to promote sustainable composting techniques. The goal of the program is to provide the opportunity for community members to learn about composting through the gardens, and ultimately, practice the composting techniques at home and reduce the amount of organic wastes from being sent to landfills.
The OOS may provide funding and resources to help develop and maintain the gardens, while the partnering organization’s role is to use the funding to build the garden, coordinate with the gardeners to keep the garden up and growing and promote composting and sustainable gardening.
Program requirements:
• Community garden must be in San Mateo County
• Community garden must be accessible to the public (exception for schools and resource centers)
• Community garden must display educational signage about composting provided by the OOS
• Partnering organization must commit to maintaining the garden by keeping up with the vegetation and compost bins and ensuring an
adequate supply of informational brochures on composting
• Partnering organization must compost the materials generated from the garden and promote composting to the garden members