A-Lab Enrollment Form
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in using your talents and skills to better yourself and the world. We look forward to meeting you in our first video call, but before we have that call we need to collect some of your contact information and understand more about where you are so that we can best meet your learning needs.
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Student Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Student Primary Contact *
Home Mailing Address *
Place you call home. (Be specific. This is the community in which you will be spending the majority of your year in the ALL Futures Academy.) *
Why do you want to join the ALL Futures Academy? *
Why would you be a good addition to our global network? *
What do you hope to gain from your ALL Futures year?
Stand Out from the Crowd. We have limited space for our 2020 cohorts, share with us something that makes you stand out as a great candidate for our program. Feel free to submit an external link to a YouTube video, blog, or social media account. *
List two references. (Teachers, parents, friends, etc.) *
Refer Friends that you think would also enjoy the benefits of the ALL Futures Academy. For each successful referral receive a $50USD Amazon Gift Card. (Name, email address & phone number)
Refer Teacher(s) that are passionate about their job and love to help students. (Name, email address, phone number)
You rock, thanks for your submission. You will get an email confirming that your application was submitted. Expect a follow-up email within the next two weeks.
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