Santa's Toy Drive - Assistance Application
This application is for Christian County Families only - DEADLINE is 12/11/2023

Please completely fill application out as much as possible. 
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How did you hear about Santa's Toy Drive
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Applicants Name ( First & last name) *
Applicants Phone Number *
Applicants Physical Address *
Have you applied for Christmas assistance with any other agency, church or organization? *** Please be honest, marking "Yes" does NOT disqualify you but we would want to help the families who do not have an alternative and make sure we have enough donations to go around, which we did last year!!
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If you would like to share your story as to why you are applying for assistance, please write a brief statement so we can best assist you. If you choose not to, no problem. This is a judgement free zone.
I understand that completing this application DOES NOT GUARANTEE the receipt of any gifts or food vouchers, and that the quality and quantity of gifts depends upon generosity of donors. I herby give permission to release this information to another group or person for assistance or verification of information.
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